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Dancer Asha Mussa from 21st Century dance crew in Tanzania atakayekuwepo kwenye tamasha la Haba na Haba'18 |
Ama kweli haba na haba hujaza kibaba, nikukumbukia enzi za 2011 wakati waendeshaji Shaban Mugado na Isack Abeneko, tokea kikundi cha Lumumba. Wakiwafundisha ndani ya warsha ndogo tu, pale Russian Culture centre madansa chipukizi toka pande mbalimbali za Dar es Salaam. Huku wakitoa chakula na nauli kama kidogo walichoweza kusanya kuendesha walichokiita 'haba na haba'.
Leo Haba na Haba sio warsha za dansi pekeyake, ila ni tamasha mwanana la dansi, likiwa kwenye mwaka wake wa pili, Ijumaa hii ya tarehe 11/05/18 pale Nafasi Artspace Mikocheni, Dar es Salaam http://www.nafasiartspace.org/, Wanatupa fursa kujionea wanadansi kadhaa tokea vikundi mbalimbali vya dansi, toka ndani na nje ya mkoa wa Dar es Salaam.
Safari hii sio Shabani wale Isack wanaondesha warsha za haba na haba. Wao sasa ni waandaji wakuu wa tamasha nzima, na vivyo wameweza kuwaleta ma dansa au waendeshaji wa dansi bobezi tokea nje na ndani ya bara la Afrika, kufundisha madansa na kuandaa kazi za dansi zitakazo onyeshwa ijumaa hii.
"We start this festival to give the Tanzanian dancers opportunities, to showcase their work, not only to show. But to learn more about dance through the other teachers...so this year we give opportunity to many groups in Tanzania, to come to perform in the festival."- Shaban Mugado added that he was humbled how the international dancers despite limited funds they'd gathered for the festival. Were very willing to come and support them in this venture.
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Mwanadansa wa kikundi cha 'Shine Dance' akiwaka na mavazi ya kiasili na pia utamwona pale Nafasi Ijumaa hii 11/05/18 |
Jana pale Nafasi tulipewa fursa ya kukumbana na madansa hawa ambao wamekuwa wakifanya kazi na madansa waTanzania, watakaopanda jukwaani Ijumaa na Jumamosi hii.
Wakiwa pamoja na mwanadansi mkongwe Mr Aloyce Makonde http://aad-fund.org/artistes/aloyce-makonde/?lang=en . Aloyce haitaji utambulisho kama we ni mfuratiliaji wa dansi bongo. Yeye ni muasisi wa tamasha lingine la dansi nchini #Visa2Dance. Jioni hii alitueleza historia yake kwenye ulimwengu wa dansi, jinsi alivyopambana na familia yake awali kuwaelewesha kwa nini aliamua kuwa msanii, wakati alifaulu vizuri masomo mengine. "Kuna kitu ndani yangu kilinisukuma kuingia kwenye sanaa..." Bw Aloyce mwemye miaka 46 ambaye bado anaonekana kijana alifafanua.
Madansa wengi wamepitia mikononi mwake akiwemo Mkurugenzi wa tamasha hili Bw Isack Abeneko.
Mwaka huu Haba na Haba pia imeweza kumleta muelekezaji mbobezi wa dansi, tokea Amerika ya Kusini aishie Ujerumani, Yolanda Gutierrez www.yolandagutierrez.de . Yeye alijitambulisha kama mtu aliyetokea kupenda bara la Afrika na tayari amefanya kazi nchini Senegal na Uganda. Kwenye kazi zake ambazo waweza ziona kwenye tovuti yake hapo juu. Alisema anapenda sana kujumuisha tasnia ya ubunifu wa mavazi video na upiga picha pamoja na dansi. Vyote kuweza toa hadithi zinazohamasisha mabadiliko chanya kwa jamii.
Throwback in 2011 at the Russian Culture Centre in DSM, where Shaban Mugado (left) and Isack Abeneko (centre) ran those early Hana na Haba workshops that culminate to today's festival |
Mwalimu mwingie atakaye tuonyesha kazi yake, kupitia madansa wa tamasha la Haba na Haba Ijumaa hii, ni mwanadada Benedetta Reuter www.benedettareuter.com. Yeye kwa miaka kadhaa sasa, amekuwa akitumia tairi, ndiyo umesoma sahihi. Benedetta amekuwa akitumia matairi kwenye kazi zake nyingi za dansi. Hapo awali akiwa ulaya alijikuta akitekwa na urahisi wa chombo hiki ila alipofanya utafiti juu yake. Aligundua matairi yanatengenezwa kwa gharama kuu mara nyingi kwa mazingira na jamii zinazotoa malighafi yake, vivyo akaanza kucheza na matairi. Ukiwa kwenye mitandao ya kijamii haswa facebook tafuta kwa alama ya reli ya kauli hii 'Electric Tire Land'.
Utaweza pia kwenye tovuti yake kukumbana na video aliotengeneza na madansa wa Temeke, alipofika Tanzania kwa mara ya kwanza. Video hii ilitengenezwa na Bw Thobias Minzi au MinziMims.
Throwback 'Haba na Haba' showcase at the National Museum 2015 |
Pia jioni hii tulipewa fursa ya kugongana na mwanadansi matata kaka Sammy Ekeh tokea Nigeria, yeye atapanda jukwaani jumamosi hii. Mnamo mwaka 2013 alikumbana na Isack kule ulaya kwenye kazi. Sammy ni mkereketwa wa dansi sema alikumbana na tasnia hii ukwabani https://sammyekeh.wixsite.com. "I started dancin after I finished secondary school..." Kwa sasa pia ni mwanafunzi wa chuo kikuu cha 'Applied Art' kule Vienna.
The work that the team at Asedeva http://www.asedeva.com/ are doing to bring this festival forward is commendable. "Tuna madansa sasa wanafanya kazi Uturuki, Ulaya waliopitia kwenye mikono ya warsha za Haba na Haba..." Accley Manager & Lighting Technician Haba na Haba festival.
Stll there's work to be done to ensure that dance as an industry continues to flourish in the city and the country as a whole. Mkeka then asked all the choreographers of this year's festival what they took from the dancers and what they see needs improvement in order to keep the dance torch burning in the country.
Throwback Haba na Haba showcase at a primary school in DSM 2013 |
""I know these dancers not everyone...So for me we have a very good young generation compared to us yeah, actually when we started we were based on traditional dance...then going through until contemporary dance. But these young dancers mostly come from street dancing 'hip-hop' modern dance or the copied, the videos. So for me what I learned is, they're very quick to learn but they're in the box. We were slow to learn but we were out of the box, so I think they need to work more on their own world of self expression because that is what we need not copying from Michael Jackson...:--Aloyce Makonde.
"In my case as I came since last year, I really not like to say that I am teaching them something because I work with them as a group...some of the movements we took them from Tanzanian traditional dance. What happened for me at the end I say ok, now I learn from you because I am going to take this as a sequence in my class and I did it....What I really think is so important for them to know is to learn technique but don't, I hope it was the message I gave to them. Don't try to do what Europeans are doing, try to develop your own...I think there's something coming up in a few years, where they will develop their own very particular contemporary Tanzanian dance...what I love is they're totally open and are willing to work, I really love that." Yolanda Gutierez, Choreographer Haba na Haba festival'18
Waasisi wenyewe Bw Shaban (kushoto) na Bw Isack wa Tamasha la Haba na Haba |
"Yea it's true there's this seriousness on their faces,,,watching from outside I was learning a lot from them; that is why I was coming during rehearsal. One of the things I learnt is how they correct themselves very quickly." Sammy Ekeh, Solo Dancer, choreographer Haba na Haba festival'18
"Me I got a lot stories nice stories, nice exchange I enjoy the musicality. Which is much easier as in Europe to find like the dancer, that is more present in his sound. And uhmn I found fascinating the point; there is a line between chaos and order, and this line is to me very interesting. So sometimes they would say 'but Benedetta it is dirty but no we need to clean it' and I'd say no not here...There is something very organic that can happen, what is fascinating to me was the group feeling the trust, also the dancers have less ego than in Europe allowing for team work. " Benedetta Reuter, Choreographer Haba na Haba festival'18
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Kwenye Picha ni Sammy Ekeh |
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