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The Graça Machel Trust, (GMT), the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund, (NMCF) and the Foundation for Community Development (FCDP) have joined forces to mobilise resources to ensure the international community can respond.
This cyclone which has taken over 740 lives leaving thousands homeless, unsafe without food, emergency healthcare and other essential services. Ensures the magnitude of its disaster is immense for the three affected countries to handle it alone.
Kwenye hali hii ya majanga yanaoathiri wanadamu, bila shaka hali ya wanawake na watoto ipo hatarini. Mpaka sasa watu takribani milioni 7 wameathirika moja kwa moja kutokana na janga la kimbunga cha Idai. Vivyo taasisi hizi tatu GMT, FDC na NMCF zinakukaribisha kuwaunga mkono mamilioni hawa, ndugu na jamaa wenzetu tokea nchi za Malawi, Zimbabwe na Mozambique. Kuwasaidia kwa namna moja ama nyingine kujikomboa na janga hili.
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Residents stand on rooftops in a flooded area of Buzi, central Mozambique,on March 20, 2019,after the passage of cyclone Idai. (Photo: ADRIEN BARBIER, AFP/Getty Images) |
Donations can be done through the following channels/ Misaada inaweza tolewa kupitia mikondo hii.
Account Name/Jina la Akaunti: Graca Machel Trust
Bank Address/Anuani ya Benki: Standard Bank Place,
1st Floor, Corner 10th & Rivonia Road,
Johannesburg 2128, South Africa.
Account Number/Akaunti Namba: 223662542
Swift Code: SBZA ZA JJ
Branch Code/Namba ya Tawi: 051001
Account Name: FDC Cyclone Idai
Standard Bank- MZN (Local Currency Account): 1184233071088
NIB: 000301180423307108821
Swift Code: SBICMZMX
Account Name: FDC Cyclone Idai
Standard Bank - USD: 1184233071096
NIB: 000301180423307109694
Swift Code: SBICMZMX
For further information on how you can help, please contact the following. Kwa maelezo zaidi kwa jnsi ya kutoa msaada wasiliana na:
Hernani Sevene
Foundation for Community Development
Phone: + 258 84 301 3199
E-mail: hsevene@fdc.org.mz
Richard Montsho
Graça Machel Trust
Phone: +27 83 340 8976
E-mail: RichardM@gracamacheltrust.org
Eunice Motsepa
Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund
Phone: + 27 (0)11 274 5600
E-mail: eunice@nmcf.co.za
To arrange for drop please contact:
Gwadamirai Majange
Graça Machel Trust
Phone: +27 66 486 5178
E-mail: GwadamiraiM@gracamacheltrust.org
Drop Off Address/ Anuani ya Kutuma mizigo
Nelson Mandela Foundation
107 Central St, Houghton Estate
Johannesburg, 2198
South Africa.
About the Partners

The Graça Machel Trust (GMT) is a Pan-African organisation which advocates for the rights and dignity of women and children; focused on child health and nutrition, education--especially girls’ education, women’s economic and leadership advancement, as well as good governance.
The FCDP is a civil organization with no party affiliation, which aims to bring together forces from all sectors of society to achieve an ideal of development, democracy and social justice. FCDP aims to empower communities to overcome poverty and advocate for social justice, and it targets women, the youth and children as primary subjects of change and development.
The vision of Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund (the Fund) is to change the way society treats its children and the youth with the following focus areas: Child Survival and Development, Child Safety and Protection and Youth Leadership.
Kuhusu Wabia

'Graca Machel Trust' ni taasisi ya kiumajimui Afrika inayotetea haki za wanawake na watoto; hususnani kwenye afya ya mtoto na chakula, elimu-haswa elimu ya wasichana, maendeleo kiunchumi na kwenye ngazi za uongozi kwa wanawake pamoja na uongozi mwema barani Afrika.
Dira ya mfuko wa Nelson Mandela Children's Fund ni kubadilisha jinsi jamii zinavyokabiliana na watoto na vijana kwenye maeneo haya makuu. Kuishi na kukua kwa mtoto, Usalama na ulinzi wa mtoto pamoja na vijana na uongozi.
List of priority items for the affected communities/Vitu muhimu kufikia waathirika wa kimbunga
- Dignity packs for women and girls (sanitary pads, toothpaste & toothbrushes) Begi la kusitiri wanawake (Pedi za hedi, mswaki na dawa za mswaki, sabuni n.k.)
- Children’s Diapers / Nepi za watoto wachanga
- Children’s Toys and books / Vitabu vya watoto na toi zao
- Blankets/ Blanketi
- Clothing/ Nguo
- Food stuffs; non-perishable/ Vyakula vya kukaa muda bila kuwepo kwenye friji
- Detergents / Sabuni za kufua
- Mosquito nets /Neti za Mbu
- Family tents / Matenti
- Kitchen utensils / Vifaa vya jikoni
- Water tanks /Tenki za maji
- Chlorine / Klorine
- Mobile toilets / Vyoo vya kusogea
- Reconstruction materials (cement, zinc sheets, iron bars, wood, nails masons kits,
carpentry kits, etc) / Vifaa vya ujenzi (sementi, mabati, nondo, mbao, misumari na vifaa kama hivi)
List of Services for Affected Communities/ Huduma zilizoathirika kwenye jamii mbalimbali
- Psychosocial Support for Children / Huduma za kisaikolojia kwa watoto
- Trauma counselling for affected/ Ushauri nasaha kwa waathirika
- Non - Formal Education interventions/ Juhudi mbadala za elimu
- Child Friendly corners and spaces/ Mahali salama pa watoto kucheza na kujumuika
All photos on this article were procured from the net
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