Friday 3 September 2021

Ally Remtullah still trailblazing now with a fashion school AR101

 By Caroline Uliwa

Students inside AR101 listening
to Ally Rehmtullah's class

A household name in the fashion circles of Tanzania, for over 14 years Ally Rehmtullah has carved a career in an industry that many struggle to thrive in.  Earlier this year his brand opened up a fashion school called AR101, I thought to catch up with him to map the dots of his trailblazing journey. 

“I always think there’s no way you can do everything by yourself, when I started in this industry there was no one to guide me, no one to tell me what to do. Of course I met a tailor in Upanga (a suburb in Dar) who really taught me how the industry was; his name is Titus I have so much respect for him. It’s a tough industry…” Ally Rehmtullah

As a Fashion Designer

 Fashion Designer Ally Rehmtullah
at the end of his fashionshow 'My strings attached'
in 2019 in Dar es Salaam

You’d expect a man who has rubbed shoulders with most of the celebrities in the country, to include the super models he has dressed over the years like Flaviana Matata, Miriam Odemba, Happiness Magese. Would be a little uppity but no, he manevoures himself from one person to the next in a candid manner; devoid of pretenses guided by a sincere work ethic.

TZ Super Model Miriam Mademba 
 dressed by Ally Rehmtullah in 2009
a little after they participated
in London fashion week

Chatting with him I got to learn of his work journey which began back in 2006 after his return from 

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA; where he completed his tertiary studies at Baum School of Art. “I always wanted to be in the creative industry, but fashion was the last of my thought…studying Graphics & Fine Arts. When I was there as an international student you had to have full time credits. In my second semester my classes were not fitting right, so my counselor said just take a fashion course ‘because I think you dress up well, you have flamboyant choices in color’.” Ally Rehmtullah tells, how he entered the profession that has always made him feel most himself. 

Ally would return back home in Dar es Salaam, to take his first job teaching Graphics at Desktop Publishing Institute earning no more than 250,000Tshs. Still with this he managed to save and cater for his first client, making an outfit for who is now the current District Commissioner of Temeke, Miss Jokate Mwegelo. Back then she was the MC for Redd's African Fashion Design Awards (RAFDA) and Ally designed her evening gown.

Ally Rehmtullah giving the bow at the end of his
annual fashion 
gala 'enchanted jungle'
in 2013 in Dar es Salaam

The rest as they say is history, Ally in a few years became the first Tanzanian fashion designer to feature in London Fashion Week 2008. He has since participated in numerous international and local fashion shows, including hosting his own annual night fashion gala, which draws all the glitterati in town.

When I asked him how he has managed to be successful with the challenging infrastructure of the industry locally. “I know Fashion is not an industry that is easy to sustain your lifestyle in Tanzania. I just think you need to be creative and innovative. With fashion there are so many different opportunities…

Ally donning on a T-Shirt of 'Streets of
Dar es Salaam'

Like I started with dressing ushers for corporate events, this got me into the advertising agency business. You know when Peroni launched in the market, I was told to dress ushers for them. The next time they were like we have a promotion at this place, can we have two ushers and costumes, I’m like yes. So slowly I got into activations and promotions.” Ally shares of his climb which he stresses came one step at a time. Today he employs over 18 people.

On mentoring fellow designers 

When you get inside Ally’s store you’ll find other fashion brands like Buganzi & Streets of Dar es Salaam. Ally believes in uplifting young designers and so allowed the young jewelry designers of Buganzi to showcase their pieces at his premier location. He as well has partnered with young fine artist Ngaira Mandara of Streets of Dar es Salaam.

Ally & TZ super model Flaviana Matata
as guest instructorshare a light
moment inside a class at AR101

Three years ago Ally spotted Ngaira’s art works on social media he then messaged him, asking for a meet which blossomed and the two forged a partnership. Which sees them printing Ngaira’s artworks on fashion items, like T-Shirts, baby clothes (they’re adorable), mugs etc. “So we also have streets of Zanzibar now and streets of Iringa we’ve sold rights to distributors in these regions. We just do the production for them we’re currently looking for a distributor in Arusha...We trust each other I think that’s very important, by now Ngaira manages all the funding with his influence and my skills it was a good match.” Ally adds. 

Tanzanian stylist Rosemary Kokuhilwa based in
New York visits students at AR101
to shares her expertise

Ally hasn’t stopped there in uplifting young designers as now he runs a fashion school. AR101 currently offers short courses on fashion; so far it has taught 11 students with a batch of six already graduated. Ally saw a gap in the market in equipping young designers to thrive so he partnered with skilled local fashion designers Anjali Bhokhataria, Michael Cyril Michael & Diana Matto. Together with him, they are the current instructors at the school. 

“As these are short course we focus on practical work, imparting knowledge sufficient in education theory and ample with business skills.  The students learn what it takes to translate inspiration from everyday things into designs. Like we had them take an alcohol line which had different flavors. They then had to translate that into clothes, in the end they came up with four looks.” Anjali of En Ka Tik brand shared some of the skills they impart to the students at AR101. She herself studied fashion design at the University of Capetown in SA.
Fashion Designer & Instructor at AR101Anjali
Bhokhataria teaching a class

Ally teaches a small part in the courses “I teach on local Tanzanian designers all these young designers times just don’t know who Manju Sitta is, or who is Ailinda Sawe but this guys opened doors for us” You can find out more on his brand & school here Instagram Ally AR101

n.b. this article was first published in the East African newspaper with this link How AR became Tanzania's..Fashion Designer

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